一山 Issan



2009年夏。 “Happy maker” というアートイベントに参加するため、初めて訪れた高野山は、決定的に私の心身に鳴り響き、写真家として深い関わりをもつこととなった。すでに聖域としてのイメージは世に知られている。でも、私が実際に掴んだ高野山はそれとは違うものだった。継承された聖地としての面がある一方、そこには日常があり家族があった。目に見える命があると同時に、見えないけれどまさに感じられるものがあった。既成のイメージではない、感受したままの高野山を写真で伝えたい。そして、2009年から2013年にかけて、東京から毎月のように高野山へ撮影に通った。




2015年1月 古賀 絵里子

In the summer of 2009, I visited Mt. Koya for the first time to participate in an art event called “Happy maker.” The experience resounded deep within my body and soul, and made a great impact on my work as a photographer. The mountain’s reputation as a sanctuary is well-established. The Mt. Koya I experienced, however, was different. It has indeed served as a sanctuary for many generations, but it is also home to families and ordinary life. While on the one hand there are visible signs of life, there are also things that are invisible but clearly felt. Rather than existing images, I wanted to directly convey the things I felt about Mt. Koya through my photographs. Then, from 2019 to 2013, I went to Mt.Koya from Tokyo every month to take photographs.


It is vital for me to spend time making my works. As time passes, both my subject and I change, and inherent in this process are deep impressions and photo opportunities. Confronting your subject in a serious way, being faithful to your heart, and persevering are the foundation for making things. Ultimately, my sense of myself as a person takes precedence over my photography. If only in a small way, I try to be a better person. I believe it is this desire that inspires me to visit a certain place or person in order to make up for what is lacking in myself. When I am searching for something, it makes me devote myself more and more to the subject. Perhaps this is the same kind of strength that underlies religious faith.


This year, 2015, marks 1,200 years since Kukai established the first temple on Mt. Koya. The title is derived from the fact that Mt. Koya is a mountain and also from the fact that it is commonly referred to as “issan” (the mountain).


Eriko Koga January 2015

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